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Image by Shane Rounce

Sobre nosotros


La visión de la Iglesia Bautista Ox Hill es ser una iglesia que viaje junta para compartir el amor de Cristo en nuestro vecindario y más allá.


ALABAN A DIOS por encima de todo.

PROCLAMAR EL EVANGELIO de Jesucristo hasta los confines de la tierra.

PREPARE A LOS DISCÍPULOS para usar los dones que Dios les ha dado.

PROPORCIONA ESPERANZA , sanación y ayuda a un mundo necesitado.


Authentic Worship

We believe Jesus’ command to worship in spirit and in truth is a call for us to be genuine when we come together before God. We give all glory and honor to God, anticipating as we meet God we will be changed.

Spiritual Formation

We take the Bible seriously at Ox Hill Baptist Church. We believe it is authoritative in matters of faith and practice. We believe being conformed to the image of Jesus is a lifelong process, and intentionally practicing spiritual disciplines will allow God to transform us.

Missions Mindedness

We believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ truly is good news for our world, and we strive to share God’s message in both words and actions in our daily lives. Recognizing each person’s unique giftedness, we actively seek opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community and around the world.

Joyful Generosity

Because God is love and lavishes us with love, we love others. We honor Jesus' calling that we, to whom much has been freely given, should give freely and cheerfully of our time, our talents, our energy, and our financial resources.

Community Engagement

Appreciating that everyone God creates is of unique value and worth, we welcome opportunities to journey through life with our neighbors. Understanding we are not bound by the walls of the church building, we love and actively seek to engage our neighbors, to strengthen our connections, and to help address the needs of our community.

Nurturing Relationships

We believe the Christian faith calls us to share life together in fellowship and to foster lasting relationships. Being at a crossroads of the world we cherish the rich tapestry of God’s creation both within and around our church and we celebrate our diversity.

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